Action Needed! Help Ensure Protections Are In Place For California’s Medically Vulnerable Children: Tell Governor Brown To Sign SB 586!

Beginning July of 2017, thousands of children with a variety of medically complex conditions who are enrolled in California Children’s Services (CCS) will transition to Medi-Cal managed care plans.

Under the Department Of Health Care Services’ proposed Whole-Child Model, the state hopes that this transition will better streamline and organize care. SB 586 (Hernandez) was created to ensure that safeguards and protections are in place for children and youth with special health care needs during this period, and that continuity of care remains a priority. To read a list of the bill’s key protections, click here


SB 586 awaits Governor Brown’s signature, and Family Voices of California urges you to send a letter of support ASAP to bring to light the critical nature of the bill. To make it easy, we’ve created customizable letters in both English and Spanish:

For information on how to submit your letter, click here.

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