Over the past several years Family Voices of California (FVCA) has developed a strong, statewide learning community with mentoring and support to ensure that family members of children with special health care needs and disabilities are prepared to advocate for health care policy and service improvements. Since 2013, nearly 90 Project Leadership facilitators from almost 50 organizations in 4 states have trained an estimated 750 graduates. Trainings are available from local organizations in many communities throughout California.
Please check back for updates on Training of Trainer workshops.
Find a Project Leadership Training
PL Participants-Map.Counties 06.13.18Thanks to the following organizations for their generous sponsorship of Training of Trainers workshops
Central Valley Regional Center
Family Resource Navigators (Amador, Calaveras, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, and Tuolumne Counties)
Eli Lilly and Company
Regional Center of Orange County
State Council on Developmental Disabilities Orange County
State Council on Developmental Disabilities Sequoia